The Nine of Swords…

It makes sense that we should all start to feel a bit of anxiety this weekend as real life begins to descend upon us after the holiday season break, thus the Nine of Swords as our card for the weekend ahead. It’s important, though, that we do not let these worries overtake our spirit! These next two days are key for readying ourselves for what awaits us in 2025. While it may seem overwhelming, we must keep it all in perspective. One thing at a time is the way to restart all daily obligations, so make a list for yourself this weekend, if you really find yourself fretting. List it all out in order of importance or urgency and then it will be clear where you should start on Monday. Or maybe there is a different strategy you would like to adopt as you tackle these descending responsibilities? But, do not let them frighten you. You are in control and you deserve a little peace, quiet and self-care this weekend! All those swirling scaries - they can wait til you are ready.

“Sometimes I lie awake at night, and ask, 'Where have I gone wrong?' Then a voice says to me, 'This is going to take more than one night.” - Charles M. Schulz

The Nine of Swords - Artist’s Rendering found on Reddit Greg White


The Hermit - Reversed…


Ten of Pentacles…