The Empress…
The Empress surfaced for me this morning to reassure me, but also with a challenge. Her juicy, fulfilling essence embraced me and whispered in my ear, “Holly, there is more than what you are allowing yourself to experience - the world is succulent and vibrant!” As I set out on my run, the natural world seemed to materialize with eagerness along my trail. The soft breeze tickled my skin and the sound of the Hudson rippled happily as it met the very same wind. Sun warmed my face filling me with a sense of love and the trees were budding and reaching for that very same love. The tulips and daffodils bended toward me as I strode by, listening to the distant sound of small children hunting playing on a playground. The earth rose at every turn to remind me of how lucky I am to be a part of it all. Let your cards speak to you, my friends - there is certain magic to be found in what they have to say.
“Live in each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit and resign yourself to the influence of the earth.” -Henry David Thoreau
The Empress from the Mythic Tarot by Giovanni Caselli