Moon. Sun. Planet Earth. A circle has no end and no beginning. We often get stuck in the linear and forget about just how circular life can be. In fact, the eyes you see the world around you with are a series of perfect circles! If you were to truly use those optic orbs view the world through a lens of everlasting connectedness, how does the landscape of your personal expectations change? Tonight, think of all of the moments in your life that you might describe as “full circle moments”. They were magical because you appreciated all of the elements that surrounded you in that instant - the past, present and future perfectly aligning in an undefined perfect positioning. The end felt like the beginning and the beginning reflected the end and there you were directly in the middle of it, dancing with joy! When you truly think about it, though, All moments prior directed you to that place in time and that place in time was propelling you, still, into the future. So you see, it’s a great night to open yourself up to the incredible realization that you are exactly where you are supposed to be and the universe is encircling you with support, protection, wisdom and love at every single turn.