Three of Wands - Reversed…

Today is not the day for dreaming about what could be. I mean it - don’t even try to look into the future in this moment. I know that sounds limiting and, frankly, sad, but keep your mind and heart focused on the here and now. Those promises you think you see on the horizon are pretty and appealing, but they are not what they seem. And if someone else suggests you “look into” or “think about” some great adventure, don’t believe them. What they propose is a deceiving distraction from where you should be placing your motivation. Don’t worry - good things will materialize, but not just yet. So don’t build imaginary bridges to a distant land. Today, you have what you need right here and now.

“To wish and wait from day to day, will never keep the wolves away.” - Jacks Mother from Into the Woods (Stephen Sondheim)

The Three of Wands (Reversed) from the Gentry-Smith Tarot


Eight of Pentacles into Six of Wands…


The Queen of Swords…