The Six of Cups…

Emotions will be flowering up today as you think back on the past. Reminiscing evokes both the joy and the heartbreak you have experienced with those you have held dear. Allow the feeling to blossom as they choose - do not judge them or try to qualify them. Your heart is sifting through these memories for a reason, so let it do its work. Relax into the idea of sharing what is revealed, even though so much time has passed. Love and understanding have a way of surprising you like an orchid plant that suddenly decides to re-bloom. It can never be the same, but the rare beauty is undeniable. Raise a glass to the old and welcome the new. Be tender with yourself and with others.

“Sometimes memories sneak out of my eyes and roll down my cheeks.” – Unknown

The Six of Cups from the Golden Tarot by Kat Black


The Sun…


The Empress…