A look at the week ahead…
To the outside world, everything about you appears sunny, but this week will present you with a choice that provokes your internal core integrity. It might not even be your choice to make…which is even more difficult for you to digest. You are feeling stifled and the things that you are most passionate about are being turned upside down. Your loyal, hardworking nature has been tested and you feel forced into a decision that counters your spirit and challenges your heart. You want to fight to defend the path you have already carved out, but fighting also feels futile. It is hard to understand why another would want to make you feel this way - why they cannot see the magic of what they have. You may not have ultimate control over their part in this situation, but you do have authority in how you respond and how you choose to protect your own heart. Your heart, after all, is the most important piece of this puzzle. It will be an integral part of regenerating your fiery, passionate zest and feeding your unbreakable spirit.
“If they hadn’t tried to break me down, I wouldn’t know that I’m unbreakable.” - Gabourey Sidibe
The Page of Wands (Reversed), the Seven of Wands (Reversed) sitting below The Lovers from The Star Spinner Tarot by Trungles