A Monday Night 3 Card Message…

The strength and spark of your passion is trying to align, but something is getting between you and a loved one. But, you are meant to be together. And by the way, is that a something or is that a someone? An additional element of fire that is misaligned can mute the power of your union and prevent you from fully experiencing the wholeness of one another. You will never fully see the flame and feel the warmth of your spirits fusing with that third thing in the way of what is supposed to be. Not sure you understand what I’m talking about? Welp, tonight is a chance to find out. Have an inclination? Ask. Bring it all out into the light. Think you already know - study the problem from all angles and really understand the complexities, so you can take action. You have the opportunity to rule each other and the world around you with passionate fervor. Don’t let something so small come between you and this chance to set the world on fire.

“People with great passion can make the impossible happen.” - Jeremiah Say

The King of Wands and The Queen of Wands (Divided by The Three of Wands Reversed) from the Light Seer’s Deck by Chris-Anne


Seven of Wands into Justice…


Two of Pentacles…