A three card message…


While shuffling this morning, these three cards flew out of the deck for our message of the day! I love it when the jump… You have been incredibly active and have truly grown something special for yourself and others. It’s ok to want to hold on to this and protect what you have accomplished, but the time has come to move on to your next adventure! This doesn’t mean you leave all the work you have done behind - it will stay with you in spirit as inspiration as you advance. But, you also deserve a break. Allow yourself to retreat into the deeper parts of your mind. Don’t push yourself to activity - RELAX. Napping is encouraged. In the in-between time between sleep and wake, you will see a glimmer of light that will serve to motivate your next escapade or quest. Don’t rush out of this moment when you see and feel it, let it gestate and brew as you recharge. Take this time in the blue to cultivate a stronger, more balanced mind and you will know exactly what to do with your fresh new idea.

“Cultivate your mind. It will blossom beyond your expectation.” - Priya Priyadarshni

The 10 of Wands - The 9 of Wands (Reversed) - The 4 of Swords (Reversed) from The Star Spinner Tarot Deck by Trungles


Two of Swords - Reversed…


The Tower - Reversed with The Four of Wands - Reversed…