Ace of Wands - Reversed…
When you are passionately fired up about a new opportunity, you may be forgetting a crucial step in your crusade toward success. It’s excellent to get charged up and take action, but don’t lose sight of creating a strong, thoughtful foundation from which you can grow and expand. Before you rush in to set your plan in motion - spend a decent amount of time laying a specific groundwork, so that when obstacles appear, you can adapt and grow stronger. Look at your opportunity from all angles and plant and nurture those roots. Speaking of roots, are there other people that can help support you in this endeavor? What tools do you have at your disposal that will reinforce your mission? Where are your personal deficits and how might you mend them? You get the picture! If you want to blossom, you will need healthy roots.
“Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light.” - Theodore Roethke
The Ace of Wands (Reversed) from A New Lotus Tarot Deck by Angie