The Moon…

This week we should dive into the depths of who we really are. Sound scary? Maybe…but the Moon is calling for us to illuminate and better understand all of the elements of self that we keep hidden away. Pay attention to your subconscious - if you find yourself suddenly drawn to something or someone - explore it. Take note of your dreams. Often hidden internal messages find their way into our nighttime visions. So if something vivid and engaging happens in your dream, dissect it and see if you can figure out how that might reflect what you might need to know in your waking life. If you find yourself wanting to say something that you might normally censor or re-frame, perhaps it’s best to let that thought slip off your tongue and swim into the conversation to stir up a little mud. Don’t shy away from your deepest desires. Sink into the the most cavernous parts of your heart and splash around. Allow the darkest parts of your psyche crawl out to the surface. There is a bottomless profound understanding to be discovered within. Let yourself play their, unapologetically.

“Only in darkness can we glimpse the fullest light our soul carries for us.” - Angie Weiland-Crosby

The Moon - Tarot Art by Ramona Szczerba aka Winona Cookie


The Devil into the King of Wands…


The Wheel of Fortune…