Day 13 - Tarot Challenge…
Let’s cut into the core of this spell-casting challenge and evoke the element of air. Communication, thoughts and ideas can certainly haunt our good intentions, so what can we shed - 7 of Swords? Time to stop thinking we are being hunted and feeling like we constantly have to look over our shoulders. No more worry about who to trust and what others may know about us. Honestly, it doesn’t matter. It’s the fear we are carrying in our minds that threatens to stifle our endeavor. What are we keeping - 8 of Swords (Reversed)? It’s time to trust the dark shadowy light of the Moon inside of us. We are not prisoners to our thoughts, but rather, if we look far within the murky terrain of our mind, we will become the masters of our destiny. Let us fly into the night like a wild bat by truly understanding that the power of thought cuts deeper than a superficial flesh wound. Let’s use this pain and worry to our advantage, my spooky friends….
“Mental toughness is spartanism with qualities of sacrifice, self-denial and dedication. It is fearlessness and love.” - Vince Lombardi
The 7 of Swords and The 8 of Swords (Reversed) from The Tarot of The Haunted House by Sasha Graham