Day 6 - Tarot Challenge - The Witch…
Tap into your fiery power and utilize your magic to release burdens. Let’s face it, others can’t truly understand your fierce capabilities if you keep carrying around so much hardship. I imagine you are so tired from sustaining so much dark and oppressive energy. You deserve to be unencumbered - to feel light of heart, but strong as stone. Connect with the passion inside of you and use it today to shed that which holds you back and weighs you down. It is easy to say, “heal yourself”, but in this case the first step should be focused and driven magic that ignites your fury. Banish overwhelm and be relentless in annihilating the evils that threaten to diminish your spark. There are so many ways to do this, my pretties, but when you take action, do it in a creative way and with intensity of purpose.
For you, an idea from LLewellyn’s Spell-A-Day - Melissa Tipton: “When you feel like you’re carrying a heavy burden or otherwise need to let go of dense, stuck energy, go for a walk and look for a stone that’s hefty but light enough for you to safely pick it up. Ask the stone if it would be willing to remove some of your heavy energy, and if you intuitively get a green light, proceed with the spell.
Holding the rock in both hands, bring to mind your burden, and allow any thoughts and emotions to arise. When you feel ready, send the burdensome energy into the stone, and once the transfer is complete, hold the stone aloft and drop it to the ground from waist height or higher. (Watch your toes!) Feel the lightness following the stone’s release and notice any shifts in your energy. Thank the stone for its aid.”
The Ten of Wands from The Dark Wood Tarot by Sasha Graham