Day Four - Tarot Challenge - The Omens…

Now that our path is clear and we have set ourselves in motion to walk it, we are paying attention to any Omens that cross our path. What should we follow?!? Light and togetherness…Celebration of self and others! The glow of success and any recognition of our own light and the light of others is to be followed on this path. The symbols of this energy - candles, candlelight, horses and sturdy, tall trees that are shedding their leaves. What should we heed? People or persons who are all talk and big ideas, but actually full of manipulation. Any feeling of rushed energy and mental chaos that clouds our way. Advice that comes from a place of fear or confusion and only serves to move us backward or block our path. The symbols of this malevolence - Black birds, metal and metallic colors, crisp foggy air and red/brown colors. If your heart is lit up - follow, but if your mind is in distress - heed! Good luck, my pretties!

“Learn to recognize omens and follow them.” - Paulo Coelho

The 6 of Wands - follow - and the Knight of Swords (Reversed) - heed- from The Dark Wood Tarot by Sasha Graham


Day Five - Tarot Challenge - The Witch…


Day Three - Tarot Challenge - The Path…