Death - Reversed…

Spring is springing up and so are you, my friend! In the past month or so, you may have been feeling a strangely indescribable uneasiness brewing under the surface, but that was because you have been subconsciously getting ready to shed your skin and start fresh. Whether it is planned or happening within without our awareness, change is so difficult. Self doubt, insecurity and regret can creep in when we are transforming. We wind up inadvertently grieving the loss of what we don’t even know we are losing, when in actuality we should be celebrating the process of our own beautiful metamorphosis. I think you have likely already begun to feel a shift in your personal energy toward hope, happiness and light! Take a moment today to celebrate or reward yourself for moving through those dark times and ready yourself to reemerge with dynamic determination. You are blossoming!!

“Like wildflowers; You must allow yourself to grow in all the places people thought you never would.” — E.V.

The Death Card (Reversed)- from the TarotKey Deck


The Nine of Pentacles…


The Three of Coins - Reversed…