Sometimes it feels like my deck has a very dark sense of humor. This morning, longing to clear the energy of the cards that have been popping up for us, I asked my BF to pull and said, “Please pick something positive - we need it!!!” He always jokes when he pulls the card of the day for me, “Please don’t let it be Death. I’m going to get the Death card, I just know it.” Today he replied, “You know when you ask like that, I am definitely going to pull the death card.” I said, “You pull all the time and you’ve never pulled it.” And then, there she was - lucky number 13. I laughed out loud and he grew very nervous. So, I started to ask him what it was in his life that he wanted to transform. That’s the big question today for us all - what level of transformation to we long for, but are resisting out of fear of the unknown? Why so much resistance when the universe ordains the result will bring clarity and renewal? I love the labeling of the card in this particular deck - “Death-Rebirth” (with that infinity symbol wedged in-between). Something in life must fall away in order to get to a fresher, cleaner version - so meditate on this today. What can you force yourself to let go of to illicit the change you desperately need? I will do this, but I will also text my BF every hour just to make sure all is well!
“She did not find the grim in falling apart. For every time she found herself to be broken, she knew she was brutally remaking herself, and collapsing to be reborn like a rioting star; haunting the dark sky.” - R.M. Drake
Death/Rebirth from the Light Seer’s Deck by Chris-Anne