Eight of Wands…
I love that we started our week with a Reversed Eight of Wands and now, we are Upright and back on track! So, I suppose the work we have done to redirect our energies is manifesting with a guaranteed flare of creativity. As we rapidly pick up momentum, we can relax in the understanding that when the chips fall, they will land with intention, purpose and meaning. Get excited, because sparks will fly once you reach your destination. The passion, drive and dedication you have exhibited, will land with thrilling focus and you may find your whole world is bubbling with possibility and potential. With this shift, you are planting the seeds for future growth, not just for self, but for all those in your orbit. Allow your subconscious to emerge in the final rush of this journey. You will even surprise yourself!
“A spark is a little thing, yet may kindle the world.” - Martin Farquhar Tupper
The 8 of Wands from the Dark Days Tarot by Emily Mundy