Eight of Wands…

As we move closer to the start of the New Year, let’s use the cards to illuminate what might be ahead. I asked the deck today, what our biggest obstacle in 2023 will be and pulled this Eight of Wands, which felt like a thrilling riddle to me. Fiery energy moving us in the direction of focused goals seems like a good thing, doesn’t it? However, as we shift to accommodate what we believe to be our distinct target, we may find we are reaching in the wrong direction. Going after the gold could be the obstacle here! Crazy, right? But, we may be honing in so strongly on one thing and missing out on our more fulfilling purpose. This year, when you find you are obsessively driven toward that one singular objective, take a step back and ask yourself what you might be missing or, quite frankly, avoiding by doing so. Treat your drive like the obstacle and you may discover the lost puzzle piece of who you are. Didn’t you always want to solve the riddle of your own existence? 2023 could be the year you do. This obstacle will be challenging, but full of action and fire!

“Why should I hasten to solve every riddle which life offers me? I am well assured that the questioner, who brings me so many problems, will bring me the answers in due time.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Eight of Wands from The Sacred Rose Tarot by Johanna Giargulo-Sherman


Three Cards for 2023…


The Knight of Pentacles - Reversed…