When re-arranging our priorities and looking for a new and greater sense of self to emerge, it can be quite inspirational to turn to the natural world for guidance. There’s undeniable messaging that emanates from the trees in our path, the sky overhead, the animals that surround us and the very air we breathe. You might say their secret guidance is hidden in plain sight. Today, make yourself aware of how you inhabit the ecosystem around you. Listen, feel and absorb the mysterious song of the universe and try to sing a chorus or two. What you imagine for self might need a little connection with this ephemeral tune - the distant call of the birds, the deliciously exciting electric boom of a thunderstorm, the roaring of the ocean waves. Let’s face it - natures sheds and regenerates much like we do, so when it seems like change is insurmountable or you are feeling a little stuck, let the sound of the falling leaves or the rippling current be a reminder that change is your birthright and you are free to call upon it whenever you choose. Feel your destiny as a magical thing that exists in this moment all around you, rather than an unreachable destination. Let the natural world be your pulse.
“Look deep into nature and then you will understand everything better.” - Albert Einstein
The Judgement Card - Tarot Art Print by Linda Ravenscroft