Five of Pentacles…

We all have those moments when we feel lost and alone - those dark times when all seems hopeless and our only defense is to cover our eyes and hide from the world. What we truly need when we feel this alone is for even just one person to come along and remind us that we are not. It only takes one beautiful gesture from another to urge us to lift our face to the sun, so that we can see the light and recognize that help and better days are waiting for us there. Today, if you feel down - look up and find that person. If you feel up - be that person for someone who needs it most. Provide sanctuary just by being there…become the hope for another person in need.

“Hope lives in those who believe in it.” – Buddha

The Five of Pentacles from The Shaddowscapes Tarot by Stephanie Pui-Mun Law and Barbara Moore


Nine of Swords & The World…


Seven of Cups…