Five of Pentacles…

I started this morning with a tarot reading for someone who has the most beautiful energy, so my October Saturday is off to a magical start. Then I decided to pull a card for us on how we can invite even more joy into this day. I was kind of struck by the answer at first, because this card can be so heavy, but does always inspire one to see the light of the situation at hand. If you take just one tiny moment today to uplift or encourage another who is in doubt or need, you will also benefit. When we help another with absolutely no agenda of our own, the reward can be immense. It doesn’t even have to be a big sacrifice or offering, just a simple chance to connect to someone and let them know that you see, hear and feel them. It may be just enough to let them know you are there. We are all a part of this giant pumpkin patch of a life - staying connected in the tiniest of ways helps the whole bunch grow. Happy Saturday.

“I don’t see how a pumpkin patch could be more sincere than this one.” - Linus “It’s the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown”

The Five of Pentacles from The Tarot of The Witch’s Garden by Sasha Graham and Natasa Ilincic


The Magician…


Four of Swords - Reversed…