Five of Pentacles (Reversed)…

As a card for the start of this month, the message is “Be the window”. What do I mean by this? We have all had moments throughout life when we are down on luck and feel a sense of hopelessness. This feeling can be incredibly alienating, as you may recall. So, this month, tap into your empathetic nature with everyone you encounter. Listen, absorb what they have brought your way. Keep your senses clear and your attitude shiny and see if you can bring some light and color into their world. Be the window that is open (even just a crack) so that they know they are not alone in their experience. I think you will find that this approach can enrich not only the lives of others, but also your own.

“Set wide the window. Let me drink the day.” - Edith Wharton

The Five of Pentacles (Reversed) from the Llewellyn Classic Tarot by Eugene Smith


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