Some tough-love questions presenting on a Two-Card-Tuesday, for you to mull over. You may be feeling like you are on the outside of something, but are you really? Perhaps this exclusion is self-generated? Is there a piece of you that secretly likes the emotional attention you get from being the outcast? This part you play may bring you a little love and attention, but it’s not truthful. Manipulating the circumstance in this way will only go so far. It would seem that you are pushing yourself into a true place of exile, because eventually people will become tired of throwing their sympathy your way. So, see if you can shift your tone and start to collaborate a little. You can become an integral part of things, you just need to want to be integrated into the experience of it. I hate to expose you like this, but it’s time to stop making such a fuss about yourself and to just….participate. You will eventually find this approach to be lasting and so much more fulfilling than you could imagine.