Five of Swords…
This week you may find yourself bound by perceived limitations - Sorry! However, the restrictions you face are self-inflicted - the real problem is, you won’t see them that way. In your mind, you are prisoner to outside forces, when in actuality you are likely your own worst enemy. Because of all this turmoil, this week will be quite challenging, so prepare yourself mentally to feel a sense of powerlessness. Honestly, your best bet may be to give in to the inertia of the experience - don’t try to fight it. Wait it out and let the swords fall where they may. Let go of the need to control others, so you can free yourself. If you do, you will begin to see the internal changes you can make in order to motivate yourself in a fresh direction. Hang in there!
“Argue for your limitations and sure enough they’re yours.” - Richard Bach
The Five of Swords from The Cosmic Tarot by Norbert Lösche