Five of Swords…

I pulled this card today and I was inclined to throw it back and select another…but that is clearly my psyche trying to avoid a theme that my life wants me to confront. So, let’s confront it - shall we?!? When you look up the Five of Swords online some “keywords” pop up to describe its meaning and the first one you will see is DEFEAT. But, what kind of defeat and what defines defeat for you?! Also, if we look at where this card falls within the journey of the minors - 5s sit directly in the middle. So if it truly reflects defeat…it’s a minor one that may not signify the end of anything, really. Defeat can be the moment you decide to give in, but giving in is sometimes necessary to move forward. It’s complex - it’s mystifying - it’s stressful. If you don’t accept defeat, have you been defeated? And, so what if you do accept it? If you are feeling the energy of this card today, I ask you this - in accepting defeat, what might you have to gain?

“Being challenged in life is inevitable, being defeated is optional.”― Roger Crawford

The Five of Swords from The Slow Tarot by Lacey Bryant


The Hermit…


The King of Swords…