Five of Wands - Reversed…
I don’t know about you, but for me it has been a DAY. Everything was extra difficult - everyone had the wrong answer and the universe just kept on poking me. Did you have moments when you just wanted to scream your face off as you struggled through challenges that were unnecessary - problem after problem whipping you in the face? It is unrelenting and it is nonsense. Crisis mode isn’t sustainable and sometimes, you have to just let all the Sh@! fall away. Don’t try to fight your way out this time - it’s not worth it anymore. Sometimes you just have to stop caring so much. What?!? No really - tonight slow your spinning wheels and ease up on your approach. It’s not all that - you have just found yourself in the middle of it…Time to drift off to sleep and let it all go.
“All the problems are stuck between mind and matter and if you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter.” - Anonymous
“Failure to prepare on your part, does not constitute and emergency on my part.” - My Mom (she was right)
The 5 of Wands (Reversed) from the Wild Unknown Tarot by Kim Krans