Five of Wands - Reversed…
“Double, Double…Toil & Trouble…” Why are you inviting such things into your mind space? What you envision in this current incantation…will appear for you. So, why are you future predicting drama and conflict? I’ve always said, “Drama is for the stage only.” While it’s true that we cannot avoid friction, there is no real reason to welcome it. In this case, your belief that dissension and discord is a given in this circumstance is only standing in the way of you being able to make true magic. So STOP!!! It’s time to recognize that you hold the potential for peace-making sorcery within you. If your quest is hit with any brand of antagonism, you will know how to dissipate it because you are a powerful witch. So don’t kill your potent spell with all of this negativity. Find ways to unify when you are met with contention and strife.
“And so, what the munchkins want to know is…are you a good witch or a bad witch?” - Glinda - Wizard of Oz
The Five of Wands (Reversed) from the Everyday Witch Tarot by Deborah Blake and Elizabeth Alba