Four of Cups - Reversed…
If the gloom of disappointment has struck this evening, it’s ok to indulge it for the moment. Sometimes you just just have to accept that life isn’t going as you had hoped. Perhaps there’s a missed opportunity that has you down or maybe you just aren’t feeling good, health-wise? Introspection and awareness of your emotional experience can be good, but you don’t want to retreat here for a long amount of time. Let yourself sit in the discomfort of these feelings for tonight, but recognize that tomorrow is a new day and you have the power to change your mood. Splash around in it for now and throw yourself a big old pity party, but understand that this, too, shall pass and soon you must get on with living and greet the new day with a new attitude.
“Self-pity in its early stages is snug as a feather mattress. Only when it hardens does it become uncomfortable.” - Maya Angelou
The Four of Cups (Reversed) - Tarot Art by Matilda Marin