Four of Swords Reversed

Four of Swords (Reversed) - Painting Rendition by Lacey Bryant for The Slow Tarot Collection

Four of Swords (Reversed) - Painting Rendition by Lacey Bryant for The Slow Tarot Collection

So much mental energy exhausted this week! You may feel turned upside down and unable to rest those thoughts that are flying around in your head. Do you have control are you falling into confusion? Finding mental balance is important today. If you want to start this next week right, you need grounding and a specific plan. For an hour today (at least), turn off your cell phone, step away from the TV, shut down your computer and put that iPad in a drawer. Sit with a notebook and allow yourself to dream. Perhaps write the story of the clear-headed, balanced, easy life you desire. Imagine yourself already in that life, feeling free and calm. Then, instead of crafting a weekly “to do” list…pretend it’s next Sunday and journal about all of the things you have already accomplished. What actions did you set in motion to bring each of these things to fruition? Write it all down. There’s your guide map of clarity and specific action! But, don’t rush in…Approach this action list with ease (after all, you’ve already accomplished it!)…wink…wink.


The Sun - Reversed


Knight of Swords - Reversed