The Magician (Reversed)…
Some may think, when they turn over a reversed Magician, that they don’t have what they need to advance or succeed. But, I don’t see it that way. The lemsiscate or infinity symbol on the card looks the same upright as it does reversed and that exudes an impressive message. You always have what you need at your disposal, even when you feel as if you don’t. The very base of your magic is…you! All elements of who you are align in a way that grants you the power to flourish. So, in this moment if you feel a bit “turned on your head”, see if you can get a sense of where that feeling is actually coming from. Likely there’s an outside influence clouding your personal sorcery. Who are what is threatening your livelihood?!? It’s time to figure it out and protect your magic. Stop blaming yourself for this disconnect - it’s a mirage created by another. You have what you need.
“You have within you right now, everything you need to deal with whatever the world can throw at you.” - Brian Tracy
The Magician (Reversed) from the Sacred Isle Tarot by David Higgins