Justice - Reversed…

Someone or something really got under your skin today! That person or situation challenged your core beliefs in a way that mad you feel uncomfortable. Feeling a little dizzy from your own inner questions regarding your personal value system? While it may feel incredibly violating -the way they saw directly into your soul and held your moral system hostage, it could be a good thing. They might just be the catalyst that you need to spook you into a new way of thinking. Shake up those scales by scrutinizing your personal understanding of right vs. wrong. It may seem very black and white to you, but what about all those grey bits in between? This vulnerability you are experiencing is healthy. Realign your ethics and re-envision your way of life to accommodate for this change. Everything happens for a reason, so trust that this call toward greater justice is initiating a journey of self discovery that is poised to empower you and all you encounter.

“Values are like fingerprints. Nobody’s are the same, but you leave them all over everything you do.” - Elvis Presley

The Justice Card by Italia Ruotola from The 78 Tarot


Two of Pentacles into Three of Wands…


The Five of Wands…