King of Cups…
Mastery of your emotional life is not impossible, but does require work. Instead of stifling your passions, let yourself splash around in them. If you are willing to truly immerse yourself in your feelings to understand why they come to you when they do, you can learn to use them for the betterment of all. When we are children we haven’t yet learned censor our emotional responses and our spirits swim free. Tonight before you drift off to sleep, imagine your bed is a small boat, drifting gently on the sea. It is not you that is the captain of this vessel, but your younger self. How would your inner child take command of the situation - how would they brave the currents? Would they doubt or restrict their natural emotional instincts or would they allow themselves to feel the full content of their experience and use this magic to befriend and beguile the sea? Drift around in the deep water, see what swims up to the surface and feel the complete power of your own emotional expression. When you awake, see if you can carry the ocean of who you are into the new day with authority
“Sometimes I think I need a spare heart to feel all the things I feel.” - Sanober Khan, A Thousand Flamingos
The King of Cups (Father Of Water) from Today’s Journey Tarot by Expanding Dimensions - Christopher G. Wilkey