King of Cups…
Feeling visionary?! Have dynamic ideas?!? Feeling passionate about bringing this imaginative enterprise to fruition. Today, take the lead and plot out your future masterpiece. The depth of your understanding of the human condition and your determination to guide others with it will guarantee a high level of success. Really see it come to life on the canvas in your spirit - what are the various colors and textures you will need from others to make this stunning piece come to life? Be ready to dance in the ebb and flow as you commit to making progress. There will be ups and downs, but your management of it all will help you find the perfect flow. Dream big and then ascend to the heights of that aspiration with regal self-assurance and an open heart. Today is just the beginning.
“A vision without a plan is just a hallucination.” - Will Rogers
The King of Cups from the 78 Tarot Carnival Deck - Artist is Brenda Lyons