King of Swords & Six of Pentacles…
A true leader focuses their attention on the full picture. They will do all they can to gain the widest perspective possible and make sure they have a complete understanding of what is truly at stake. Many times, this means being ready to provide to others what is needed for the success of all. They don’t view this as charity - they see it as strategy. To ensure the security and happiness of others works to your advantage when you are in charge. Examine the many ways in which you inhabit a leadership role in your life. Scrutinize your own actions based on the needs of those who surround you. Be wise by giving of yourself when it is needed most and for the specific benefit of all. Clarity of mind is important and swift action may be necessary, but don’t miss the bigger picture.
“Big-picture thinkers broaden their outlook by striving to learn from every experience. They don't rest on their successes, they learn from them.” - John C. Maxwell
The King of Swords & The Six of Pentacles from The Dreaming Way Tarot by Rome Choi