The Eight of Swords…
Have you been feeling bound by dark thoughts? Maybe you aren’t trapped, but rather taking a moment to cultivate a more refined focus. Tonight is a leap year night! Treat this extra late night as a chance to turn your dark thoughts into a dark and dreamy kind of magic. Instead of letting them get the better of you, twist them around internally and use them to gain greater clarity on your direction. Sometimes, it’s good to be stuck because it forces you to deal with the trap itself. And, most often we discover it’s a trap of our own making. What are those thoughts pointing to? Define it deep within. When you fall asleep tonight, invite this quandary into your dreams so you might explore it further. You never know - what is lurking in your nighttime visions can be just the strange kind of guide you need to life the fog. Sweet dreams….
“A dream is a microscope through which we look at the hidden occurrences in our soul.” - Erich Fromm
The Eight of Swords - not sure what deck this is, but it’s full of dark magic…