Knight of Cups into Justice (Reversed)…

I went to pull a card for our week ahead and as I grabbed my deck, these two cards flew out and fell at my feet. Seems like we are going to charge into this week with emotional drive and noble determination. We will be moving through a varied landscape, but we are ready to conquer, leading with charm and refinement and an undeniable sense of rebellion. We may think we know where we are headed and have a very specific expectations for our end result, but expect a big shock by the end of the week. One that will change your entire moral code. Values and notions of right vs. wrong will be turned on their head. Suddenly, you will see things in a whole new way. Unfair? Maybe. Fair? Maybe. You will have to decide exactly what you stand for, but what you ultimately discover will surprise your very core and you will carry the weight of that for weeks to come. But, it’s clear you must wear this new and different kind of armor in order to advance.

“When your mind is full of assumptions, conclusions and beliefs, it has no penetration, it just repeats past impressions.” - Sadhguru

The Knight of Cups into Justice (Reversed) from The Rider/Waite/Smith Tarot Deck.


Knight of Wands (Reversed) - Ten of Pentacles (Reversed)…


The Ten of Wands…