Knight of Cups (Reversed)…Five of Cups (Reversed)…Five of Pentacles…


Do you find yourself constantly feeling let down? Maybe you are even more than disappointed because you also feel left out, pushed aside, unseen and unheard?!? Time to shift your perspective, my friend. You can’t always expect others to be as open, honest and forthright as you are. The more you expect the best, the more you may find yourself feeling the worst. Also, look closer at the people in your life that you feel hold the most importance to you. They may not be capable of living up to your expectations. Everyone has their own way of operating and their own unique baggage. If they cannot fill your soul, it doesn’t mean they do not want to try. You get to decide if this makes them worth your time or not. BUT, maybe ease up a bit, before you cut them loose - recognize that your personal expectations of them might make it impossible for them to be for you who they truly mean to be. By allowing for human fallacy, you just might find some common ground.

“Accept the fact that some people didn’t intend to let you down. Their best is just less than you expected.” - Thema Davis

The Knight of Cups (Reversed) - The 5 of Cups (Reversed) - The 5 of Pentacles from The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne


The Four of Swords and Temperance…


The Ace of Cups…