Knight of Pentacles…
Greet all of the things in your world today like they are completely foreign objects which you can explore and master. Things? Yes - anything tangible that you encounter or use on a daily basis - iPhone, computer, paper, pen, shoes, chairs -even people!! Treat those items like brand new toys. Let yourself be pointedly inquisitive about what you might be able to do with the material aspects in your immediate sphere and honor the use of them by handling them like unknown treasures from beyond. Let’s face it, the world around us is down-right alien in nature and we just blow through our days without even noticing the potential of what we have. So, go about your day like an extraterrestrial visitor to a fascinating planet and show reverence and express wild curiosity for what you encounter. You may find you are conquering your universe with an entirely different energy today!
“There’s no time to be bored in a world as beautiful as this.” - Anonymous
The Knight of Pentacles from the 78 Tarot Astral - Art by Felicia Cano