Knight of Wands…

You deserve a weekend that feels like a cotton candy cartoon joyride, so take action to manifest it! Fly into the night tonight with joy and creativity leading you. How can you incorporate even more colors and dynamics into your plans? What might you do or be a part of that will help connect you to fiery motivation, but light and gleeful execution? Surprise yourself with new, fresh ideas that you enact without a strategy or a plan. That’s right, be downright spontaneous in your approach. Let the inner rebel emerge with a sense of freedom. Treat every place you find yourself like your personal playground. Prance through or even past obligations to get to the fun part. Let optimism be your best friend as you prance from one fun experience to the next. Can’t wait to hear about your wild and liberating adventures! Happy Fri-yay!

“The world is a playground and life is pushing my swing.” - Natalie Kocsis

The Knight of Wands from The Tell Me Tarot by Arik Eyal and Nir Cassuto


Eight of Pentacles…


The Ace of Cups…