The Nine of Wands…

If you started 2023 like I did and in the way that our card of the day so accurately displays, you may be having a moment of panic right now. Motivation and inspiration on day one compelled you to commit to starting the year right! However, sudden road-blocks and unforeseen hurdles on day two that made you feel a little monstrous and very much caught off-guard. If this year already feels like a battle you are losing, buck up. You are stronger than you think and you can weather this moment and many other tiny storms. If this does feel like a tiny hurricane, build a fort around you and defend yourself. Take a minute to ground yourself and align yourself with protection for the days to come and recognize that, even though you feel a little weary, you are capable of great things, despite the early setback. For me, this petit tornado comes in the form of full on laryngitis on a week when I am set to teach literally 8 tarot classes!!! For you, I don’t know what maleficence you are facing, but soldier on, Little Monsters. We can do this! We will do this and we will be stronger when we get to the other side of it!

“The storms come and go, the waves crash overhead, the big fish eat the little fish and I just keep on paddling.” - George R. R. Martin

“It’s just you, Little Monster. Own it or it will own you.” - Penelope Douglas

The Nine of Wands from the Monstarot by Joanna Nelson and Trish Sullivan


The Ten of Pentacles - Reversed…


Your 2023 Theme…