New Year’s Eve Cards…

Can you feel that strange, but exhilarating energy in the air tonight? If you are sensing what I am sensing, this shift may be a tiny bit unsettling, but in a good way. There is so much that is unknown about the year ahead, but the energy feels big - 2025 will be full of surprises. Whatever your approach, dear friends, you have ideas that will emerge in a playful way and the intuition to support yourself through all the ups and downs. Your mind will crave new and engaging knowledge and your thoughts will lift you up as you walk the tightrope of 2025. Close your eyes right as the countdown begins or just a minute before and take note of what your inner voice says to you. Remember that secret whispering when life feels strange and uncertain. Let your intuition empower you in this year of change. You may be unsure in this moment, but your mind and spirit are ready for anything the universe plans in 2025. Happy New Year!

“Intuition is really a sudden immersion of the soul into the universal current of life.”― Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist

The Page of Swords & The High Priestess from The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne


Ten of Pentacles…


The Four of Swords - Reversed…