Nine of Swords…

You know what I love about the Rider/Waite/Smith version of this card? You see the swords hovering above, but you cannot view the sharp end of them - they are not included in the perspective. In this rendition of the card it’s the same. It’s as if the artist is asking the very important question - “Where’s the point?” So, my dear friends, we pull this card of worry, fear and doubt, but where is the point of it? We can let these phantoms hover above us, intimidating our every move, or we can take action to remedy each haunting thought. Otherwise, we may as well acknowledge the absolute pointlessness of their existence. Sometimes, it’s best just to throw up your hands and say, “What will be will be!” So, chin up - stop hiding. It’s literally pointless.

“Worrying does not empty tomorrow of it’s troubles. It empties today of its strength.” - Corrie Ten Boom

The Nine of Swords from The Hanson-Roberts Tarot Deck


The World & The Ace of Cups…


The Two of Cups - The Knight of Wands (Reversed)…