Nine of Swords - Reversed

The Nine of Swords (Reversed) - An Artist’s Rendering

The Nine of Swords (Reversed) - An Artist’s Rendering

Confront your deepest fears tonight. Remember that scared feeling you had as a kid in bed when the lights went out? Do you recall that unseen shifting of shadows accompanied by a dark silence that made you close your eyes super tight, thinking that whatever lurked in the dark can’t get you if you don’t see it?!? Sorry to make you revisit the boogie man, but as you know, there are still horrid things in our adult lives that torment us so much, we may find it hard to sleep. In fact, as adults, we can experience even more fearful disruptions to our sleep - negative self hating thoughts circling in our minds, deep worries about the future or the present and interpersonal rifts from our waking lives can all plague our nighttime rest. No amount of self-inflicted paralysis or hiding under the covers will help in this scenario. So, tonight before bed, take a moment to confront all of your torments and tormentors and tell them out loud (yes - out loud) you just don’t have space for them in your dreams. Rewire your dark thoughts to be light and uplifting and ease into sleep knowing that your demons are easier dealt with during daytime hours. Cast away those monsters under the bed. You deserve restful and rejuvenating sleep and sweet and delicious dreams!


Ten of Cups - Reversed


The Four of Swords