As you trudge through all of life’s challenges it’s easy to look over at that person who seems to have it all together and feel so jealous. This feeling can build in a way that overwhelms your thinking in a negative way - Why can’t I? Why shouldn’t I? Why didn’t I? How come? Instead of comparing yourself to that person and allowing yourself to spiral in questions and negativity, stop for a moment and really study them. They may not have always had it all together. In fact, they may not have it all together right now. They may have more status and appear to be floating through life effortlessly, but perhaps they are just forcing themselves into a different view of what is and isn’t available to them. Maybe they are opening themselves up to possibility and not guarding themselves from advancement, despite the cards they have been dealt. Let your understanding of who they really are in this moment shift and I think you could stand to learn a great deal. Heck, approach them, take them out to lunch and ask them how they do it!!! In this moment, you can let competition develop in your mind, or you can find inspiration in the journey of another. You choose….