Page of Swords - Reversed…


You have been dreaming, exploring, growing and expanding in your own ideas of what you want and who you would like to be. You have even been openly sharing with others some of the changes you intend to make. This has all been quite a thoughtful exploration and you now have some really intriguing schemes for your future. But, what are you waiting for?!? It’s time to make all of this your reality. Do you want to be known as the person that thought they could or the person that DID? Tonight - chart out your plan of attack. Take at least an hour away from all distractions with pen and paper and map out your battle plan to move forward with all of these objectives you envision step by step. As you are writing, imagine that your pen is a sword and that what you etch onto the page is absolutely non-negotiable. Put that list under your pillow and dream that you are a warrior, wild and unafraid. When you wake up in the morning, examine your list again to look for obstacles. Write down all of the obstacles that might arise in bubbles all around your list and with your mighty pen/sword put a big X through each one. Now that you are clear in what you are fighting for and how to get it, defend what you want by DOING that very first step on your list with fierce abandon and don’t stop DOING until you’ve realized your goals.

“Well done is better than well said.” - Benjamin Franklin

The Page of Swords (Reversed) Digital Art by Anabelle Parent


Eight Of Cups - Reversed…


The Ten of Swords…