Page of Wands (Reversed) - Knight of Swords - Four of Cups - Page of Swords

A series of “jumpers” from my Rider/Waite Deck

A series of “jumpers” from my Rider/Waite Deck

I set up for a reading earlier today and checked in with my Rider/Waite deck - my original deck - my first love - my old friend! As soon as I held the deck in my hands it was buzzing with energy - tickling me the inside of my palms enough to make me giggle out loud. I was instantly excited for the reading. Because the deck was so alive, I asked for our daily message as I shuffled and the cards were practically screaming at me - jumping left and right! I laid them out - our four jumpers - and now I am sharing them with you. If you are examining a recent decision or path, look to the past for answers, but don’t hold on to it. There was a shift in your tone - perhaps a deliberate shift - away from your true open and passionate nature. This created a blockage that you could not escape. Life became cloudy. You weren’t able to see all of life’s opportunities clearly and sometimes absolutely refused to connect emotionally to what was being offered. This choice -this moment of divide- truly dimmed your authentic self and kept you netted to that choice, longing to be free. Now is your last look back, my friend. But, as you glance over your shoulder at that former version of you, don’t only see regret and disappointment in your actions - look closer at what made you separate from your spirit with a curious mind. See this rift fresh and new, so you can better understand who you are and how to move forward. Cut that net and watch as the clouds part. You are free, but who are you now? Be inquisitive and open. Cut through the confusion and step into the light.


A Holiday Wish….


Three of Pentacles