The Fool…
Does it feel like you are about to take a big, wild step out into the abyss? This week is sure to be full of unknown adventures, some of which we will be ready for and some that will catch us dangerously by surprise. It’s best to recognize when you feel totally out of control and to take it one step at time. There will be support, but there will also be distractions. Be sure to look where you are going and face the challenges that come your way with curiosity and an open heart. Some things may not go your way, but if you approach defeat with a carefree heart that is willing to learn, it will certainly break the fall. Make sure to make some time to clown around. If nothing else, be sure to have fun along the way!
“I see myself as an intelligent, sensitive human, with the soul of a clown which forces me to blow it at the most important moments.” - Jim Morrison
The Fool - not sure what deck this is?