Say goodbye to 2020 - Say hello to 2021!

Page of Pentacles (2020) into 8 of Wands (2021)

Page of Pentacles (2020) into 8 of Wands (2021)

It’s New Year’s Eve and we are on the cusp of saying goodbye, so I took a moment to ask my deck - what will we release as we send off 2020 and what can we welcome as we say hello to 2021? In 2020 we all had to shift our perspective on finances, material gain and the things that matter most to us. While there was opportunity for great exploration in this new way of thinking, we have been lying in wait. Say goodbye to this gestation period, because in 2021 we will start to experience great movement. Expect directional shifts, quick bursts of movement and an energy that feels ALIVE! Using what you have experienced over the last year will help as we are all thrust into new experiences and quick changes. Growth is assured, but don’t hesitate this year! Tonight, after midnight or in the morning, when you awake to 2021, burn a little sage around your home. If you don’t have sage, a candle or incense will do. As you walk from room to room, watching that smoke drift up into the air and slowly disappear, imagine you are letting go of that which you do not wish to carry with you into the new year. Also imagine, all that planning, waiting and building of ideas releasing out into the universe. When you douse your stick, candle or incense take in the fragrance left behind - these are the things you should hold on to - the many things that will be useful as you move forward into 2021. When you start your first day on 2021 - leap out of bed in the morning with vigor. Find a way to welcome the day with movement and energy - stretching, a walk, a run, a work-out and impromptu dance party with music blaring! Really move into this year to let 2021 know you are ready! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!


The Wheel of Fortune


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