Seven of Cups…

Good afternoon, seekers! There are so many options sprouting up for you today - how exciting! Don’t let the myriad of choices overwhelm you. Instead take a minute to relish in gratitude for all that the universe is offering you. Think of each option as an ingredient that you can select for the recipe of the moment. Meditate on what might be the perfect blend of flavors for you right now and choose carefully, but not so carefully that you limit the possibility of your end result. Keep in mind, you can always start over, if your personal soufflé collapses. So, start mixing! What are you waiting for?

“You have all the ingredients to bake the cake you want in life. Start mixing!” - James D. Wilson

The 7 of Cups from The Tarot of The Witches Garden by Sasha Graham


The Two of Cups - The Knight of Wands (Reversed)…


The High Priestess…