Seven of Cups (Reversed) & Six of Swords (Reversed)…
Stop - just stop reflecting back on past decisions! Your mind is steering you in the direction of the “what ifs” and the “what ifs” are a supreme waste of your time and energy. Yes, your life would be different if you had made different decisions in the past, but you don’t know how and you never will. You may feel like there’s some safety waiting for you in the idea of “well, if I had…” but these excuses are so hollow. Because, “what if” you had? You will go around in circles with this, because regret for past decisions is a road to nowhere. Happiness, fulfillment and success are byproducts of decisions you can make for yourself in the here and now. Turn your mind to the present and you will be leading your heart toward a better future. Sorry for the Tarot tough-love on a Tuesday, but it needed to be said.
“Don't spend your life wondering "what if" and worrying over something you have no control. What's done is done. Looking backwards will cause you to miss out on new blessings ahead. Move on.”― Germany Kent
The 7 of Cups (Reversed) and The 6 of Swords (Reversed) from The Light Seer’s Tarot by Chris-Anne