Seven of Pentacles - Reversed…

Feeling a little uncertain as you head into the weekend? Perhaps you are unsure of many things in this moment - befuddled, disenchanted and just not ready to make any promises. You don’t have to commit, if it doesn’t feel right. Commit to a partner, commit to a plan of action, commit yourself to family or work…to any of these things it’s ok to avoid saying “yes”. Dwell in the ennui and allow your psyche to feel a little lost. Maybe, you need this uncomfortable unknowing. So don’t say yes - go for a walk under the night sky and let the stars speak to your disoriented spirit. They have a message for you - they whisper, “wondering is enough.” After all, life is one big mystery, never really revealing its secrets to anyone. Avoid yes - embrace ambiguity.

“I left the ending ambiguous because that is the way life is.” - Bernardo Bertolucci

The Seven of Pentacles (Reversed) from the 78 Tarot Astral Deck - Art by Natacha Chohra


The High Priestess - Reversed…


Three of Cups…